Art director & Co-Founder

José Manuel
CEO & Co-Founder

Project Manager

The project is created by two points that are united and at the same time separated by a straight line, and we say that they are separated because each one has very well defined their own plot, putting their soul into it.
Mauricio Maggiorini the creative.
Jose Manuel Correoso the financial and commercial.
These two points are joined by a third to form a triangle.
Isabel Aguilera, the pragmatic part who is in charge of the customer service, orders and logistics department.
A team in constant evolution and growth.
Mauricio Maggiorini the creative.
Jose Manuel Correoso the financial and commercial.
These two points are joined by a third to form a triangle.
Isabel Aguilera, the pragmatic part who is in charge of the customer service, orders and logistics department.
A team in constant evolution and growth.